radimax is an organic fertilizer to base of substances biologically active ( aminoacids, peptides, vitamins, polysaccharides Glicinbetaine, etc) that activates the vegetal metabolism and the cellular division of the roots and the young tissues
The presence of specific aminoacids (Tryptophan, Cystine, Glutamic acid, Serine, Aspartic acid) enhance the efficiency of the root system, improving the primary metabolism and the hormonal balance in all tissues of the plant.
The vitamins act as growth factors, strengthen cell structure and help to overcome the stress of transplant.
The polysaccharides besides to be an important source of energy, facilitate the assimilation of vitamins, minerals, amino acids and other essential elements.
The Glycinebetaine is an active substance of natural origin that acts as an osmotic regulator, and increases the resistance of roots to soil salinity.
It also contains micro-nutrients complexed with aminoacids that help to prevent or to treat effectively any deficiencies or nutritional imbalances.
The synergic action of all these components, make radimax a real bio-promotor that acts on the rhizosphere stimulating the development of primary roots and the emission of the secondary ones, so favouring the formation of a rich root apparatus.
radimax allows a better rooting of plants and thus a rapid overcoming of the crisis of transplant also under unfavourable conditions of temperature and humidity.
It can also be used in seed treatment to improve field performance, either initially than during the whole vegetative cycle.
radimax is admitted in Organic Agriculture pursuant to Art. 8 of Legislative Decree 75/2010.
Total aminoacids and peptides: 27,0 %
Total Nitrogen (N): 5,0 %
Total organic Carbon (C): 17,0 %
Iron (Fe) sol. in water: 0,20 %
Zinc (Zn) sol. in water: 0,15 %
Manganese (Mn) sol. in water: 0,15 %
Formulation: Liquid
The use of radimax in the advised vegetative phases allows:
• to get a wide and powerful root system;
• to reduce the time of overcoming of transplanting stress;
• to improve the nutritional conditions in the root;
• to contend situations deriving from salinity stress;
• to ensure a rapid emergence in treated seeds.
Horticultural crops:
– in spray treatments on seeds and plants in the nursery 80-100 ml/hl. of water immediately after the transplant.
It is possible to repeat the treatment 10-15 days after the first application and to continue up to that the desired result is gotten.
– by fertirrigation with drop equipment next to the little plants just transplanted: 500-600 ml/1000 m2, a week later: 300-400 ml/1000 m2.
– the fertilization with “sprinkle”: to use the nourishing solution with doses of di 250 ml/hl. of water approximately 0,500 ml. for plant immediately after the transplant.
– immersion of the plateau in the nourishing solution before the transplant: 150-250 ml/hl. of water.
Fruit crops and forestal plants:
– at plant and vegetative renewal in localized fertirrigation: 200-300 ml/hl. of water.
Plants in vase and ornamentals:
2-3 applications every 7 days from the potting : 150-200 ml/hl. of water.
Treatment of seeds:
Increase the inizial start; greater initial vigour and greater root development.
Soia: 100-200 ml/100 kg. of seeds;
Mais: 5-6 ml/kg. of seeds;
Bean: 2 ml/kg. of seeds;
Wheat: 1-1,5 ml/kg. of seeds;
Rice: 1-1,5 ml/kg. of seeds.
The recommended doses are indicative and should be increased or decreased according to the characteristics of the area and the needs of each crop.
1 L; 5 L