1 L; 5 L; 25 L
umic 20 is an organic soil conditioner with high concentration of active humic substances (humic and fulvic acids) extracted from Leonardite adequately selected and treated.
umic 20 contains a balanced concentration between humic and fulvic acids that allows the use in fertirrigation or directly to the soil or by leaf application.
Fulvic acids have a low molecular weight and are extremely bio-active, passing rapidly within the cells of leaves and increasing the capacity of assimilation of the nutrients.
Humic acids have a high molecular weight and thanks to their complexing and carrier capacity, ensure a greater assimilation of the nutrients present to the soil and of those fertilizers with which they are associated.
umic 20 can be mixed with other fertilizers N-P-K or micro-elements.
Humic acids: 10,0 %
Fulvic acids: 10,0 %
Total Nitrogen (N): 1,0 %
Potassium (K2O) sol. in water: 2,5 %
Total organic Carbon (C): 10,0 %
Formulation: Liquid
The use of umic 20 in the advised vegetative phases allows :
• to complex and to carry the various active ingredients;
• to intensify photosynthetic activity;
• to improve the qualitative and quantitative characteristics of fruits and productions, improving texture, pleasantness and the resistance to handling and transport.
• to increase the absorption of nutrients
• to recover the soil immobilizing the molecules of pesticides and toxic substances emitted by plant roots;
• to improve the water level in the soil by increasing the retention in sandy soils and removing the excess in the clay soils.
Foliar use: The dosage is referred to about 1.000 L of water for ha.
Grapes, Apple, Pear, Peach,Cherry, Kiwi, Citrus, Olive,Plum:
– at the vegetative regrowth; flowering; fruit enlargment: 150 -200 ml/hl;( 1,5-2 L/ha); alone or better in association with other fertilizers N-P-K or micro-elements.
Tomato, Pepper , Eggplants, Strawberry, Melon, Watermelon, Pumpkin, Lettuce, Broad bean,Cucumber, Celery, etc:
– at transplant: 10-15 L/ha; flowering; fruit enlargment: 150-200 ml/hl. (1,5-2 L/ha); alone or better in association with other fertilizers N-P-K or micro-elements.
Flowering and ornamental crops:
– from post-transplant every 20-25 days: 150-200 ml/hl (1,5-2 L/ha); alone or better in association with other fertilizers N-P-K or micro-elements.
By fertirrigation: The doses to be diluted in more applications.
To apply in the same phenological phases mentioned above, with a dose of 15-20 L/ha; alone or better in association with others fertilizers N-P-K or microelements.
It’s possible to mix umic 20 with other fertilizers N-P-K or micro-elements but it’s advisable don’t mix with cupric products and with alkaline reaction.
The recommended doses are indicative and should be increased or decreased according to the characteristics of the area and the needs of each crop.
The high concentration of organic matter may cause sedimentation therefore it is recommended shake well before the use.
1 L; 5 L; 25 L