to base of proteic extracts of vegetal and animal origin

General Details

ecosoil is an organic liquid fertilizer completely natural to base of proteic substances of vegetal and animal origin.

ecosoil is rapidly absorbed and metabolized by plants favoring the overcoming of critical periods of development, principally in adverse weather conditions (high or low temperatures, drought, etc).

It is recommended for sandy soils and to solve problems in highly exploited soils, poor in organic matter or with great salt concentration.

ecosoil improves the functions of the radical apparatus of the plants increasing the capacity of absorption of nutrients.


Total Nitrogen (N): 4,5 %
Total organic Carbon (C): 18,0 %

Formulation: Liquid


The application of ecosoil in the advised vegetative phases allows:

• to increase the root system with the consequent increase in the absorption of nutrients in the soil;
• to increase the activity of soil microflora;
• to accelerate the process of humification and mineralization of organic matter;
• to improve the structure and water balance in the soil.

Doses and modality of use

By fertirrigation:

Grapes, Apple, Pear, Apricot, Peach, Plum, Kiwi, Citrus, Olive, Cherry, etc:
-pre-flowering; post-flowering; post setting-up : 20-25 L/ha.

Tomatoes, Pepper , Eggplants, Strawberry, Melon, Watermelon, Pumpkin, Lettuce, Carrot, Cabbage, Cucumber, etc:
– post-transplant; 2-3L/1000 m2; every 15-20 days: 2-3 L/1000 m2.

Flowering and ornamental crops:
– post-transplant; pre-flowerin; post-harvest: 2-3 L/1000 m2.


It’s possibile to mix ecosoil with N-P-K fertilizers, meso and microelements but it’s advisable don’t mix with cupric products and/or mineral oils.

The recommended doses are indicative and should be increased or decreased according to the characteristics of the area and the needs of each crop.


5 L; 25 L

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