Silicates are one of the best solutions for biological agriculture,
Biocare Sil K is obtained by melting silica (SiO2) with potassium carbonate (K2CO3).
In the field of biological agriculture SILICATES find application in many fields thanks to their
– They are ecological
– They’re not toxic
– They’re odorless.
Water solution of tetrasilicate
Potassium (38 – 40°)
K2O : 12 % p/p
Formulation: Liquid
How potassium silicates act on crops:
Potassium silicate acts in agriculture through two main actions:
– A mechanical action, which allows the vegetation to form a sort of non-organic film which performs
the task of defending the vegetation from insects and pests. The silicate forms a film of vitreous consistency on the cuticle of the aerial organs of plants, hindering the activity of insects with stinging nozzles. It also protects against the penetration of phytopathogenic fungi austors.
– An action of physiological type, the vegetation in fact, absorbing the silicon, causes a hardening of
its plant tissues, this increases the resistance to the attack of parasites. The induction of the resistance also increases with the production of phytoalexins.
The alkaline pH of silicates also contributes to the life of the bacteria, as it contributes to a hostile environment for their proliferation, preferring acidic environments.
In addition to what has already been listed, with the use of sodium or potassium silicates, plants also
develop an greater resistance to particularly arid soils
Potassium silicates are particularly useful against
– Cochineal
– Aphids
– Mites
– Flies
Dilute the product in water in a proportion of 1 in 100 (1%)
-To prevent the product from settling on the bottom of the pump or sprayer tank, always insert the water first, then the silicate solution
– Add the other treatment products and mix
-The mixture prepared must be used with sprayers or pressure pumps, carefully spraying the leaves, branches and trunk of horticultural, fruit, flower and ornamental plants.
– It is preferable that the treatments are always performed at sunset and / or in the coolest hours of the day
1 L; 5 L; 25 L